For my plusplan I wanted to focus on concepts. I do think I make good concepts but I can’t communicate it very well. That’s why I choose a board game, it’s a form that needs a lot of thought process. You have to figure out every aspect of it and it all has to make sence and people will understand. Thanks to my elective methodology lab I had a lot of inspiration to research. I watched a lot of people play different kinds of games, searched hot to create a game and tried to create a mixture for my own game. You can see that back in the different games that are mixed into each other. What took the longest were the questions and the quests.
I have a learning process in rechears, ux testing, concepting and skills like 3D printing.
In my feedback there was a point made about the time. I wanted to make a whole game in two weeks and yes, it was too ambitious. My game is not 100% complete but you are able to play it from beginning to end. The first hard phase was what kind of game I wanted to make and how to include my feedback in it. Then it was the team. I used a lot of symbols and hidden meaning in my design to make the board more unique and interesting.
Description of your 2 learning outcomes
Motivation for your self-defined goal and how it connects to your visual outcome
In the first week I mostly did research of how to create a game, what games there are and how I want my game to look like and the meaning of it.
When I had my game lay-out I started to go to school and designed my board. I experimented with hues and different waves. Then I started with 3D designing and printing. And last but not least I printed my game cards and my game lay-out at the print station.
Week 1
Week 2
BTS video
3D print fail
*the colours are way brighter than the original one but I don't know why hotglue shows it so vibrant.
Game rules
I came up with a game where you get to know your friends on different levels while having fun with drinks. This game is a drinking game where the goal is to finish three full rounds. The first game lay-out is from "mens erg je niet" or translated "man do not worry". It's a six person version, the goal of the game is to finish all the endpoints with your pawns. That is the same in this game, only the pawns at the end are shots that you have to empty. The pawns that move over the board are states of the moon. You start at the starting point by throwing a six, if you don't then you can't start the game. The twist in here is that if you throw an even number you have to take one sip of your drink. An uneven number is two sips.
Each pawn can be one player or in groups, this part is related to Part and Co. You have four different kinds of cards. You get these cards by dicing and moving your pawn over the board. On some stops are symbols that represent the cards. You have "drunk debates": here are questions where you can debate about, "spin the bottle": here you spin a bottle to decide who you insert into your the dares or questions, "Look deeper into the glass", I have this name from "te diep in
je glaasje kijken'' in these cards are deeper statements that you have to finish with your answer and "the dancer on the bar" is most likely to do.
Name: Moonsong
Why: I choose moon because it always changes, have more sides then we show, just like humans. You explore the "dark side" of someone or "bright side" or in between. The name is also an alcohol that is very strong.
In the board you'll see a lot of stars and music notes, like the starting point is the beginning of a song and one symbol is a full note where you need to drink a full glass. I choose these colours to give it a sort of magical feeling of the night. I also wanted to make an easthetic game, I could'nt find it online and thought it will be fun for people that are older then children.
*the stage of the moon means how deep the questions are
*there is also a full moon pawn but I forgot them at school :(
*Didn't check good enough if the file was okay after scaling
What is the game?